Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

Three Shots for Freedom: "Government Ties is Really Why the Government Lies..."

By tk5aprt1yr8hd

break the Ice

By Dennis (not everyones fooled)
My name is Dennis, i currently reside in the Albany area, or what is better known too many, "The Capital District". I like to write, listen to music, and travel, plus many other recreational activities i wont get into at this moment. I am part of this blog for a couple of reasons. One is because one night me and Dan (shoutabout) decided we needed a place where we could get our political and philosophical views to the public. Then we decided we wanted close friend Jimmy (tk5aprt1yr8hd) in on it aswell. The three of us discussed starting a blog, and so it was, not more than a week later. We decided on a blog, because A, we don't have the financial means as of right now to get a domain name and a running website, and B, because we want feedback in a open sort of format, blogger offers such luxuries, and here we are today. The three of us (Dan, Jimmy, and myself) have many political, and philosophical views in common. All three of us believe in pure individulaity, being your own person, and living by your own standards, and beliefs. We all believe that Our country is taking a nose dive into a sewer full of shit, due to may generations of greedy, power hungry politicians. I'm not saying there aren't good politicians out there, however i am saying there has been very few times when the good guys have been in the important places. For example, the presidency, it is essential that we have a leader who is intelligent with good intentions.

I'm going to sort of continue in my turn away from introducing myself and transition into more of a generalized style of writing to give a look at some of the things i will be discussing on our blog.

In our world today, things are moving so fast, with so much going on all at once. Dan, Jimmy, and myself, are, in my opinion lucky that we haven't been dragged down to the filthy pits of ignorance, which in today's world is such a common spot to dwell for our generation, probobly more than any other generations of the past. All three of us try hard to keep ourselves constantly thinking deeper and deeper, and questioning authority, so that our heads don't slip under the polluted waters we are left to swim. It's a struggle in our generation, to "keep your head above water", it is almost looked down upon, to be intellectual. Being intellectual, and thinking deep, whether it be philosophicaly or politicaly, is considered weird, or uncool. What i mean by the whole "polluted waters" metaphor is simply that, the world we live in today, which is the polluted water, is very hard to be outspoken in, it's difficult to voice opinions on things that matter today. If our generation lets government mind control, and the media go to our heads, then we are slipping under the water, and are metophorically drowning ourselves in the "polluted waters". We, as a generation of young adults need to wake up and realize that there are far more important things than video games and meaningless reality television shows, etc. We need to get the bigger picture, everything is bigger than you or myself. It's not just about us, we as individuals are just a small piece of the big puzzle, and our lifes mission is finding where we best fit in that big puzzle, and where we will be most productive in our own individual niche, in turn to benefit the world in some way or another.

'Prince of Pot' fighting for our rights all the way to jail...

By Sh0utAb0ut
Marc Emery, a name some of you may know as Canada's Prince of Pot, one of the most vocal pro-legalizing voices, has agreed with the US Gov's settlement offer of a minimum of 5 years in jail for his illegal seed selling throughout the world and especially the US. More details here.

The Prince is an inspiration to the few wolves left in this country who don't abide by our newfound sheep mentality, almost guiding how modern civil disobedience should and can be implemented effectively. Although he will (as of this writing) be spending a few years in jail, his message has gotten it's point across in Canada as well as the US. Conservative mindsets on drug laws are being pointed out as hypocritical in accordance with economic conservatism, something Emery explains in the Standard's shotgun blog in three video segments.

Emery's attitude towards civil disobedience is something we need to emulate in the war on drugs, and every other unjust government activity these days. It's inspiring to see someone who cares more about what's just than what could cause them fear. The anti's have spent decades and billion's on trying to control what people put in their own bodies, and shoving this in our face, so why don't why turn the tables and shove it in their face? In our support of personal liberty we've been characteristically defamed by the government that was first run by a pot-smoker.. Our very own George Washington. The logical arguments for legalization are potentially crippling to the fact twisting (even fabricating) and fear-mongering arguments made by the same special interests who made our once biggest potential cash crop (hemp) illegal in the 30's. It's time to do what's right for our liberties, as well as a more self-sufficient economy (to be continued), and stand up against this injustice.

Read it Yourself Instead of Asking the Government Why...

By Sh0utAb0ut
Just like my friends tk5aprt1yr8hd and 190 proof truth, I started this blog to get out a message that is being swept under the rug by those in our federal government, mass media, and corporate conglomerates that run the nation's interests, not yours. I feel it to be especially important to spread this message amongst my generation, as it is our duty to prevent the nation of law and order from becoming the empire of oligarchs that desire our servitude like all previous powers.

Our generation is the first generation to be indoctrinated with the information age that humanity finds itself in as of the last couple decades. The information age, powered by the vast resource that we've come to know and love as the internet, can provide us with the instantaneous wealth of knowledge never before seen on a scale like this. The internet is also something man hasn't experienced for a long time, a place unregulated by the state, one of, if not the last 'place' on earth that exists. With this freedom comes a responsibility that our generation has come to understand quite well on the broad scale, and it also allows us to expand our knowledge in a way that those of older generations really cant quite grasp. The internet has helped me tremendously in understanding how pathetic our nation has become under the rule of the growing central oligarchy that flat out didn't exist in the first half of our nation's history, and only implanted itself and grew like a parasite upon our prosperous nation in the earlier 20th century.

To the conventional thinker brought up by modern super-sized America, I sound like a conspiracy theorist that 'is bringing down America'. Well, to those conventional thinkers I say piss off, because conventional 'wisdom' and blind obedience haven't gotten us to far in recent times, just take a look at our worsening economy run dry off of credit debt. The last couple generations have been brought up with the New Deal mindset that large federal government isn't such a bad thing. Basically they told our founders and the Constitution to suck it, as our rule of law has been trampled all over this entire century, and nobody seems to give a fuck about it... If you're older and reading this you're probably about to hit the X button 'cause I'm just some arrogant teenager, which wouldn't surprise me due to the intense social conditioning previous generations have undergone during this creation of the massive federal government we come to know today.

Is it just a coincidence that everything since the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 has become bigger and more centralized? Without going into immense detail, just mull over why our mainstream media is owned by the same organizations who provide our government with the tools they 'need' to fight our astonishing amount of wars that we've amassed in the last 100 years. With very little searching, you'll see that our nation's mass media is owned by a handful of companies that have expanded their control into every aspect of our TV crazy country. The largest media conglomerate is not even solely a media company, it's General Electric. Yeah, the same General Electric that provides our military with its tools and advanced technology for global influence, and the same GE that researches and controls oil and energy within this nation (from planes to cars to your cities power, they've had a hand in it). They also sell you your light bulbs and fridges, so they don't seem too bad, hell, they're pretty reliable, but their holdings would astonish most Americans if we truly understood their immensity (recorded $163.4 billion in revenues for 2006, $33.8 billion more than it's conglomerate competition combined). Besides GE we have companies like Time Warner, News Corp, Disney, Viacom, and CBS corp., the next 5 who make up the 'big six' of media domination in our nation today. At least 95% of the shows, movies, newspapers and many other forms of entertainment you and I are subjected to everyday are owned and profited from these companies.

To call our media a "free press" as sought out by the 1st amendment is a complete joke, it's nothing but a manipulation created by our modern economy of corporatist socialism, rather then a true free market that we've never experienced in our lifetimes. I've trashed our parents and grandparents pretty good, but not out of distaste, but truly sorrow, as they grew up in a nation that has been on it's way to nothing but thought, economic, and social control... You'd be hard pressed to find a counter to the elements that cause this control, but it's quite easy to get complacent in the comforts that our credit card nation can provide, and a government that pays for you to get old, and a government that provides your children's education.. Sure they help, and are good ideas, but we as a people need to question the motive behind these actions. Government is not a solution, it's usually a problem, a 'creature' need not be trusted, only controlled by the people.. Or so it was supposed to be.

It's time for our generation to wake up and start giving a shit about politics, and questioning those who tell us how to live. Because believe it or not, old white men, stuck up women, and the token minorities who make up the majority of our pathetic politicians directly affect our lives in every sense.. Along with their friends in big business. The information age has provided our generation with the last tool to spread the message of freedom, the unregulated internet.. Or will we let that too go the way of government control and manipulation?

A lot to chew on for the casual observer, but issues we will explore in depth and bring to attention in this blog...

"Government Ties is Really Why the Government Lies..."

By tk5aprt1yr8hd
I created this blog to share insight into the problems and processes of our government. Most people my age have limited or no interest in these topics, and it's a shame. We are the future of this country and it isn't very becoming of MY generation to not give a fuck about something that will so directly affect our lives in the near future. Why don't teenagers care more about the government? Perhaps, the level of mediocrity in our government is to blame for the apathetic attitude of our youths towards politics. It could be that growing up in the 90's there were nine words that instilled lasting political distrust in many Americans; Those 9 words; "I did not have sexual-relations with that woman".

Whatever governmental trust slick Bill left behind, it was surely gobbled up by the end of George W. Bush's first term. There are many reasons why teens are weary of the government. Could it be because we are currently fighting an illegal war for oil in Iraq? Or maybe because our economy is the weakest its been in almost 5 years, also the number of homes entering some stage of foreclosure from notice of default to bank ownership increased 45% in January from the same period last year. Maybe it's the 9 trillion dollar public deficit that is turning kids off to politics. It could be that every teenager who gets a paycheck pays social security out of the little money they do make, when there is a real chance that social security could be broke before it's their turn to collect. The fact is most teens don't believe that the current political system can solve any of these problems. Maybe kids/people in general don't like slimy politicians. (?)

In my opinion, our government in its current state is deficient at best. We currently have a president who for lack of a better term is a dishonest, scumbag, with a less than legitimate agenda. The Bush administration has lied, deceived and committed outright fraud about every single point they used to justify invading Iraq. We never found the weapons of mass destruction that our top intelligence experts claimed they possessed. So where did they go George? Did they just disappear into thin air,(did saddam hide them away in a dusty cave somewhere?) or could your ever-growing economic interest in the world’s oil supply have played a role in the "false information" you received from the CIA? The following is a direct quote from Alan Greenspan’s most recent book entitled The Age of TurbulenceI am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.”

I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am a young American, and as one it is my responsibility to show interest in the future of our great nation. I am not a mindless Kool-Aid drinker who will blindly follow what any one source tells me. It's important to find information out on your own, don't listen to everything they tell you on fox news. Don't listen just because the anchor lady is pretty because it's still the same biased garbage coming out of her mouth. When it comes to governmental issues all too often the very-right-wing American media will only tell one side of a story, conveniently leaving out parts that reflect the problems we have with/within our government.

I don't think it’s right that the rich just keep getting richer while the poor keep struggling to survive. Trying to bridge the gap between minimum wage and the cost of living. I'm not saying that socialism is the answer, but the government could issue a few less tax shelters to huge corporations and help out the poor underclass a little more. (The trickle down theory is retarded, it does not work, it never has, it never will. It pads the pockets of those executives who work for the huge corporations, and that's about it.) I believe that our government is not part of the solution to this botheration, but is part of the problem. Millions in tax breaks for the rich, while impoverished inner-city families fight to put food on their tables, that isn't right. Our governmental system was established in order to serve one body, the people. Not big business, not just the wealthy upper-class, not some unskilled illegal immigrants; but,
The American People.