Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

break the Ice

By Dennis (not everyones fooled)
My name is Dennis, i currently reside in the Albany area, or what is better known too many, "The Capital District". I like to write, listen to music, and travel, plus many other recreational activities i wont get into at this moment. I am part of this blog for a couple of reasons. One is because one night me and Dan (shoutabout) decided we needed a place where we could get our political and philosophical views to the public. Then we decided we wanted close friend Jimmy (tk5aprt1yr8hd) in on it aswell. The three of us discussed starting a blog, and so it was, not more than a week later. We decided on a blog, because A, we don't have the financial means as of right now to get a domain name and a running website, and B, because we want feedback in a open sort of format, blogger offers such luxuries, and here we are today. The three of us (Dan, Jimmy, and myself) have many political, and philosophical views in common. All three of us believe in pure individulaity, being your own person, and living by your own standards, and beliefs. We all believe that Our country is taking a nose dive into a sewer full of shit, due to may generations of greedy, power hungry politicians. I'm not saying there aren't good politicians out there, however i am saying there has been very few times when the good guys have been in the important places. For example, the presidency, it is essential that we have a leader who is intelligent with good intentions.

I'm going to sort of continue in my turn away from introducing myself and transition into more of a generalized style of writing to give a look at some of the things i will be discussing on our blog.

In our world today, things are moving so fast, with so much going on all at once. Dan, Jimmy, and myself, are, in my opinion lucky that we haven't been dragged down to the filthy pits of ignorance, which in today's world is such a common spot to dwell for our generation, probobly more than any other generations of the past. All three of us try hard to keep ourselves constantly thinking deeper and deeper, and questioning authority, so that our heads don't slip under the polluted waters we are left to swim. It's a struggle in our generation, to "keep your head above water", it is almost looked down upon, to be intellectual. Being intellectual, and thinking deep, whether it be philosophicaly or politicaly, is considered weird, or uncool. What i mean by the whole "polluted waters" metaphor is simply that, the world we live in today, which is the polluted water, is very hard to be outspoken in, it's difficult to voice opinions on things that matter today. If our generation lets government mind control, and the media go to our heads, then we are slipping under the water, and are metophorically drowning ourselves in the "polluted waters". We, as a generation of young adults need to wake up and realize that there are far more important things than video games and meaningless reality television shows, etc. We need to get the bigger picture, everything is bigger than you or myself. It's not just about us, we as individuals are just a small piece of the big puzzle, and our lifes mission is finding where we best fit in that big puzzle, and where we will be most productive in our own individual niche, in turn to benefit the world in some way or another.

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