Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

'Prince of Pot' fighting for our rights all the way to jail...

By Sh0utAb0ut
Marc Emery, a name some of you may know as Canada's Prince of Pot, one of the most vocal pro-legalizing voices, has agreed with the US Gov's settlement offer of a minimum of 5 years in jail for his illegal seed selling throughout the world and especially the US. More details here.

The Prince is an inspiration to the few wolves left in this country who don't abide by our newfound sheep mentality, almost guiding how modern civil disobedience should and can be implemented effectively. Although he will (as of this writing) be spending a few years in jail, his message has gotten it's point across in Canada as well as the US. Conservative mindsets on drug laws are being pointed out as hypocritical in accordance with economic conservatism, something Emery explains in the Standard's shotgun blog in three video segments.

Emery's attitude towards civil disobedience is something we need to emulate in the war on drugs, and every other unjust government activity these days. It's inspiring to see someone who cares more about what's just than what could cause them fear. The anti's have spent decades and billion's on trying to control what people put in their own bodies, and shoving this in our face, so why don't why turn the tables and shove it in their face? In our support of personal liberty we've been characteristically defamed by the government that was first run by a pot-smoker.. Our very own George Washington. The logical arguments for legalization are potentially crippling to the fact twisting (even fabricating) and fear-mongering arguments made by the same special interests who made our once biggest potential cash crop (hemp) illegal in the 30's. It's time to do what's right for our liberties, as well as a more self-sufficient economy (to be continued), and stand up against this injustice.

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous February 28, 2008 at 12:15 PM
    The problem with pot smoking is it gives people the munchies. We already have an obesity problem in America. Sure people should be able to ingest whatever substance best tickles their pallet. However, there are consquences for the rest of society like higher health insurance costs for everyone because the fatties need so much medical care. Some people just can't control themselves. They get behind the wheel drunk or stoned. They overeat and get sick. Then everyone else is penalized for their bad judgement.

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