Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

Read it Yourself Instead of Asking the Government Why...

By Sh0utAb0ut
Just like my friends tk5aprt1yr8hd and 190 proof truth, I started this blog to get out a message that is being swept under the rug by those in our federal government, mass media, and corporate conglomerates that run the nation's interests, not yours. I feel it to be especially important to spread this message amongst my generation, as it is our duty to prevent the nation of law and order from becoming the empire of oligarchs that desire our servitude like all previous powers.

Our generation is the first generation to be indoctrinated with the information age that humanity finds itself in as of the last couple decades. The information age, powered by the vast resource that we've come to know and love as the internet, can provide us with the instantaneous wealth of knowledge never before seen on a scale like this. The internet is also something man hasn't experienced for a long time, a place unregulated by the state, one of, if not the last 'place' on earth that exists. With this freedom comes a responsibility that our generation has come to understand quite well on the broad scale, and it also allows us to expand our knowledge in a way that those of older generations really cant quite grasp. The internet has helped me tremendously in understanding how pathetic our nation has become under the rule of the growing central oligarchy that flat out didn't exist in the first half of our nation's history, and only implanted itself and grew like a parasite upon our prosperous nation in the earlier 20th century.

To the conventional thinker brought up by modern super-sized America, I sound like a conspiracy theorist that 'is bringing down America'. Well, to those conventional thinkers I say piss off, because conventional 'wisdom' and blind obedience haven't gotten us to far in recent times, just take a look at our worsening economy run dry off of credit debt. The last couple generations have been brought up with the New Deal mindset that large federal government isn't such a bad thing. Basically they told our founders and the Constitution to suck it, as our rule of law has been trampled all over this entire century, and nobody seems to give a fuck about it... If you're older and reading this you're probably about to hit the X button 'cause I'm just some arrogant teenager, which wouldn't surprise me due to the intense social conditioning previous generations have undergone during this creation of the massive federal government we come to know today.

Is it just a coincidence that everything since the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 has become bigger and more centralized? Without going into immense detail, just mull over why our mainstream media is owned by the same organizations who provide our government with the tools they 'need' to fight our astonishing amount of wars that we've amassed in the last 100 years. With very little searching, you'll see that our nation's mass media is owned by a handful of companies that have expanded their control into every aspect of our TV crazy country. The largest media conglomerate is not even solely a media company, it's General Electric. Yeah, the same General Electric that provides our military with its tools and advanced technology for global influence, and the same GE that researches and controls oil and energy within this nation (from planes to cars to your cities power, they've had a hand in it). They also sell you your light bulbs and fridges, so they don't seem too bad, hell, they're pretty reliable, but their holdings would astonish most Americans if we truly understood their immensity (recorded $163.4 billion in revenues for 2006, $33.8 billion more than it's conglomerate competition combined). Besides GE we have companies like Time Warner, News Corp, Disney, Viacom, and CBS corp., the next 5 who make up the 'big six' of media domination in our nation today. At least 95% of the shows, movies, newspapers and many other forms of entertainment you and I are subjected to everyday are owned and profited from these companies.

To call our media a "free press" as sought out by the 1st amendment is a complete joke, it's nothing but a manipulation created by our modern economy of corporatist socialism, rather then a true free market that we've never experienced in our lifetimes. I've trashed our parents and grandparents pretty good, but not out of distaste, but truly sorrow, as they grew up in a nation that has been on it's way to nothing but thought, economic, and social control... You'd be hard pressed to find a counter to the elements that cause this control, but it's quite easy to get complacent in the comforts that our credit card nation can provide, and a government that pays for you to get old, and a government that provides your children's education.. Sure they help, and are good ideas, but we as a people need to question the motive behind these actions. Government is not a solution, it's usually a problem, a 'creature' need not be trusted, only controlled by the people.. Or so it was supposed to be.

It's time for our generation to wake up and start giving a shit about politics, and questioning those who tell us how to live. Because believe it or not, old white men, stuck up women, and the token minorities who make up the majority of our pathetic politicians directly affect our lives in every sense.. Along with their friends in big business. The information age has provided our generation with the last tool to spread the message of freedom, the unregulated internet.. Or will we let that too go the way of government control and manipulation?

A lot to chew on for the casual observer, but issues we will explore in depth and bring to attention in this blog...

2 comments so far.

  1. tk5aprt1yr8hd February 22, 2008 at 8:55 AM
    three shots for freedom
  2. Sublime143 February 23, 2008 at 6:18 PM
    What you write is so true. Today most Americans take part in what is called blind patriotism. When one person just questions something that the govt. is doing you are often outcasted and told that you are unamerican. Since when is it "unamerican" to question authority and govt. From what i know only true americans are those who question govt. I love this country more than anything in the world, that does not mean i agree with everything our govt is doing. It just bothers me that im "unamerican" cuase i don't agree with certain aspects of our governemnt ie. the patriot act (obvious infrringment on our constitonal rights).

    "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." Teddy Roosevelt

Something to say?