Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

Welcome to the Incorporated States of America

"Government Ties is Really Why the Government Lies..."

By tk5aprt1yr8hd
I created this blog to share insight into the problems and processes of our government. Most people my age have limited or no interest in these topics, and it's a shame. We are the future of this country and it isn't very becoming of MY generation to not give a fuck about something that will so directly affect our lives in the near future. Why don't teenagers care more about the government? Perhaps, the level of mediocrity in our government is to blame for the apathetic attitude of our youths towards politics. It could be that growing up in the 90's there were nine words that instilled lasting political distrust in many Americans; Those 9 words; "I did not have sexual-relations with that woman".

Whatever governmental trust slick Bill left behind, it was surely gobbled up by the end of George W. Bush's first term. There are many reasons why teens are weary of the government. Could it be because we are currently fighting an illegal war for oil in Iraq? Or maybe because our economy is the weakest its been in almost 5 years, also the number of homes entering some stage of foreclosure from notice of default to bank ownership increased 45% in January from the same period last year. Maybe it's the 9 trillion dollar public deficit that is turning kids off to politics. It could be that every teenager who gets a paycheck pays social security out of the little money they do make, when there is a real chance that social security could be broke before it's their turn to collect. The fact is most teens don't believe that the current political system can solve any of these problems. Maybe kids/people in general don't like slimy politicians. (?)

In my opinion, our government in its current state is deficient at best. We currently have a president who for lack of a better term is a dishonest, scumbag, with a less than legitimate agenda. The Bush administration has lied, deceived and committed outright fraud about every single point they used to justify invading Iraq. We never found the weapons of mass destruction that our top intelligence experts claimed they possessed. So where did they go George? Did they just disappear into thin air,(did saddam hide them away in a dusty cave somewhere?) or could your ever-growing economic interest in the world’s oil supply have played a role in the "false information" you received from the CIA? The following is a direct quote from Alan Greenspan’s most recent book entitled The Age of TurbulenceI am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.”

I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am a young American, and as one it is my responsibility to show interest in the future of our great nation. I am not a mindless Kool-Aid drinker who will blindly follow what any one source tells me. It's important to find information out on your own, don't listen to everything they tell you on fox news. Don't listen just because the anchor lady is pretty because it's still the same biased garbage coming out of her mouth. When it comes to governmental issues all too often the very-right-wing American media will only tell one side of a story, conveniently leaving out parts that reflect the problems we have with/within our government.

I don't think it’s right that the rich just keep getting richer while the poor keep struggling to survive. Trying to bridge the gap between minimum wage and the cost of living. I'm not saying that socialism is the answer, but the government could issue a few less tax shelters to huge corporations and help out the poor underclass a little more. (The trickle down theory is retarded, it does not work, it never has, it never will. It pads the pockets of those executives who work for the huge corporations, and that's about it.) I believe that our government is not part of the solution to this botheration, but is part of the problem. Millions in tax breaks for the rich, while impoverished inner-city families fight to put food on their tables, that isn't right. Our governmental system was established in order to serve one body, the people. Not big business, not just the wealthy upper-class, not some unskilled illegal immigrants; but,
The American People.

1 comment so far.

  1. Dennis (not everyones fooled) February 22, 2008 at 4:39 AM

Something to say?